Terminal Entry

Terminal Entry is a 1988 science fiction film written by Mark Sobel, and directed by John Kincade.

During the weekend getaway, the teenage hackers fail to gain access to Terminal Entry through brute force password cracking, however when Bob drops one of his Twinkies on the keyboard, he enters the numbers 15.25.35 which was the same numbers as the measurements Lady Electric from the beginning of the movie had said to him. Upon gaining access, the group find a complex computer program which they think is a game.The Army antiterrorism unit tracks down the position of the terrorist command post, and initiate an assault on the location which is a warehouse in the middle of the desert. Before the commander escapes, he assigns the six students to take over command. When the students start playing the game, the commands they issue in play erupt in real life bombings, assassinations, and acts of terrorism. Some of which include a Russian peace delegate, an oil refinery in Los Angeles, airplanes flying in from Lisbon, and themselves. ........

Source: Wikipedia